Get The Support You Need

What support is available?

Winter season can be an expensive period of the year as we start to use more energy to light and heat our homes. If you’re struggling with costs, help is available.

Cost of living and managing your money

  • Provides free advice on cost of living, money and a wide range of issues. Sign up for their monthly newsletter. Advice is available Monday to Friday 09.30pm-4pm

    0808 2787848

  • Winter can be an expensive period of the year with extra heating and electricity being used. Therefore, make sure you’re receiving all the help you’re entitled to.

  • Provides emergency food parcels to anyone going through a temporary crisis or those trapped in poverty. Monday to Thursday 10am -1.30pm.

    0151 638 7090

  • NHS If you're referred to a hospital or other NHS premises for specialist NHS treatment or diagnostic tests by a doctor, dentist or another primary care health professional, you may be able to claim a refund of reasonable travel costs under the Healthcare Travel Costs Scheme (HTCS).

    0300 330 1343

  • Provides free clothing to adult and children. Thursday to Friday 10.30am-12.00pm

    Community Support Centre- St Vincent de Paul Society: 15-19 Grange Road West, Birkenhead, CH41 4BY

    0151 673 1313

  • Offers a variety of services such as cost of living advice, and isolation/loneliness support.

    The Community Village - 330–334 New Chester Road, Rock Ferry, Wirral, CH42 1LE

    0151 644 4500


  • If you are worried about your health, contact your GP practice first. If they are closed, you can contact NHS 111, who will be able to offer advice and support. In an emergency dial 999.

  • Your local pharmacist can offer advice as well as medication. Some offer free delivery services, so check with your local pharmacy.


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